Life At School
Life At School
At Mountain Gate we are committed to building excellence in education by providing outstanding learning opportunities for every child.
Students feel secure in accepting challenges. We offer a balanced curriculum that caters for the intellectual, social, physical and emotional needs of the child. Learning and teaching programs support students to develop a range of skills and strategies that enable them to be critical and creative thinkers.
Students are encouraged to work cooperatively and collaboratively with their peers, taking responsibility for their learning and behaviour.
Everyone is encouraged to achieve their personal best and show a commitment to improvement in skills and knowledge. Successes and efforts are acknowledged and celebrated.
Through making and responding to art works, students develop their curiosity, imagination, aesthetic knowledge and technical skills. Weekly Art lessons in our dedicated Art room provide children with purposeful and enjoyable activities whilst allowing opportunities to express ideas, feelings and experiences in visual and tactile forms.
The art room is always filled with confidence, colour and creativity as every child translates their ideas into an original art work.
Our camp programs provide children with opportunities for personal development, learning life skills and accepting and overcoming challenges. Programs encourage children to learn about themselves, their world and their place and role in the community. We focus on developing many of the skills which will assist our students generally to contribute to their communities in positive ways.
Outdoor education camps encourage children to enjoy the health and well-being benefits of social interaction and ongoing participation in sport, recreation and physical activity through trying new and varied activities in a safe environment.
Our school canteen service operates every day offering a variety of nutritious and attractively presented food and drinks at a reasonable cost. Children are able to have lunch orders delivered to their classroom or purchase healthy snacks at recess and lunchtimes.
Cluckinghen Palace
Meet Princess Layer, Mary Poopins , Madam Cluckalot, Victoria Peckham and Thelma. They are the much loved residents of Cluckinghen Palace.
Our chickens are very tame and love a good cuddle from the students. Their favourite foods are all things green and leafy. In particular they love lettuce, spinach and the leaves from broccoli and cauliflower. They also love the occasional can of sweet corn! Our happy hens lay lots of delicious eggs which are collected each day and used in the canteen.
Grade three and four students are the official chicken keepers, ensuring they are let out each day, have clean water and fresh food. The hens roam the grounds, sometimes venturing into nearby classrooms. Each night they return to the safety of their palace!
Our new Library is a wonderful place for children to browse, borrow and read. Weekly Library sessions aim to foster a love of reading for research, learning and pleasure.
A thriving Music and Performing Arts program is an important part of school life at Mountain Gate. All children attend a weekly music lesson where speech, singing, movement and instrumental playing teach the different elements of music. Students compose, listen, sing and play – their own compositions and those of others, from different times, places and traditions.
Children are encouraged to perform or sing ‘solos’ from an early age for Musical Presentation Day. Children can further their interests and enjoyment in music through participation in Recorder Groups and the Choir.
The “Gaters Got Talent Concert’, State Schools Spectacular, Christmas Carols Evening, Dance Competition and Musical Production are all much anticipated events and provide a range of opportunities for children to showcase their plentiful talent.
At Mountain Gate Primary School we recognise the considerable health benefits associated with being physically active, as well as the positive attitude inherent in team work, giving something a go and trying your best.
Students participate in a comprehensive physical education program which includes Inter-school sport, House sports and specialised programs in athletics, cross country, cricket, basketball, netball, soccer, rugby, hockey, lacrosse, swimming, tennis, gymnastics, bike-ed and dance. All students participate in a daily running program to further encourage health and fitness. Sporting excellence is fostered through practice and participation.
All lessons are conducted in an environment that benefits from spacious surrounds, excellent outdoor surfaces and a new gymnasium.
Gaters love their sport and the catch cry ‘Go Gaters’ can be heard loud and clear as students support one another in their sporting endeavours! .
At Mountain Gate, students and teachers work with the latest technology—new computers, iPads, digital cameras, interactive whiteboards, Skype and a range of software and online resources to support learning.
Technology makes learning deeper, more immediate and more powerful. Technology is preparing our children for the future.
The special Gater spirit that values trust, cooperation and respect doesn’t just happen! It is actively encouraged through the Tribes and You Can Do It programs. Through the Tribes agreements of Attentive Listening, Mutual Respect, Appreciation/no put downs, Right to Pass and Aim High, and the You Can Do It skills of Organisation, Persistence, Getting Along, Resilience and Confidence, students feel included and appreciated by peers and teachers and respected for their different abilities, cultures, gender, interests and dreams.
Students learn a set of collaborative skills so they can work well together in long-term groups – Tribes. Each term special multi-age Tribes activities are organized with a focus on how to help each other, set goals, solve problems and celebrate being a Gater.

Out of School Hours Care
To help parents manage family and work commitments, Mountain Gate offers both Before and After-School Care programs through Camp Australia an external service provider to the school.
The philosophy of the program is to provide a diverse, affordable and flexible program which meets the needs of the families from within our school community.
Before School: 7.00 am. to 8.45 am.
After School: 3.30 pm. to 6.00 pm.
Contact Camp Australia for further information and to register on 1300 105 343
or visit their website at www.campaustralia.com.au
MGPS Out of School Hours phone: 9758 0531
Note: Childcare rebate (based on a means test) is available from Centrelink for parents using the program. Call Centrelink on 132124 for more details